Welcome to the Olympia Forgiveness Project!

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Blog of the Olympia Forgiveness Project. This project will explore the methods and practices of forgiveness that are accessible to all and we will collect stories of forgiveness from people in the Greater Olympia Community who have found a way to let go of their emotional pain and find peace.

We will see how people are discovering the gift, art and science of forgiveness both around the world and in our own backyard.

We offer retreats, workshops or individual consultations around the topics that touch forgiveness. We speak in schools, churches, 12 step gatherings, and offer testimony to our legislators on the needs and benefits of forgiveness.

We will pay special attention to veterans, alcoholics/addicts, Native Americans, the homeless and victims of domestic violence...but we will share and experience the hopes and practices of experiences of all.

Given the turbulance of our times, we believe that individuals, groups and nations are in need of practices of forgiveness and we hope to uncover and share them for the benefit of all.

May you know the peace and blessings of forgiveness today.

Dr. David James

The Olympia Forgiveness Project

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Buddhist Practice of Forgiveness

Please sit in a way that is comfortable to you.
Whether sitting with legs crossed or in a chair, please sit up straight.

Either close your eyes or have them slightly open and focused on the floor in front of you.

Please begin to pay attention to the breath....whether at the tip of the nose, the rising and falling of the chest or the expansion and release of the abdomen; become aware of the breath as you in inhale and then as you exhale.

Just sit comfortably being attentive to breath for a few moments.

Then introduce the following gently:

There are those people who, through my pain or confusion I have harmed.

Allow a few moments for those people to be revealed to you
and to feel the pain that you have caused.

If I have harmed anyone in any way either knowingly or unknowingly I ask their forgiveness please forgive me...please forgive me.”

Now we introduce the following, gently:

There are times when, through my pain or confusion that I have hurt myself.

Allow a few moments to become aware of how your hurt yourself
and feel the pain that you have caused yourself.

For all the ways that I harm, negate, doubt, belittle or judge myself, I forgive myself.”

Then introduce the following gently:

There are those people who, through their pain and confusion have harmed me.

Allow a few moments for those people who have hurt you to be revealed
and feel the pain that they have caused.

If anyone has harmed me in any way either knowingly or unknowingly I forgive them.”
Then introduce the following gently...

And if there is a situation I am not yet ready to forgive I forgive myself for that.”

Now recall a time when you felt loved unconditionally and rest in its goodness.

If you can't remember such an experience then just imagine receiving unconditional love. It works just as well. Rest with this feeling for a few minutes....

Next say these words in your mind...

May I be happy
May I be well
May I be at peace

Next place your attention in the center of your chest -around your heart. Rest there for a few minutes.
Next think of someone you love. Someone very close to you. Then say to yourself...

May he/she be happy
May he/she be well
May he/she be at peace

Next picture someone you feel neutral about.
May he/she be happy
May he/she be well
May he she be at peace
Now someone you dislike. But not too much!
May he/she be happy
May he/she be well
May he/she be at peace
To every living being everywhere
May they be happy
May they be well
May they be at peace
Now just sit and be still for a few minutes. Rest in any feelings of loving-kindness that you feel.
Then just allow yourself to feel little gratitude. No need to force it.
Allow that feeling of gratitude to expand...... to slowly fill up your whole body, the whole room, your town your city, your country, the world, the universe.
Now gently return to full waking consciousness and give thanks for this time of prayer and meditation.

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