Welcome to the Olympia Forgiveness Project!

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Blog of the Olympia Forgiveness Project. This project will explore the methods and practices of forgiveness that are accessible to all and we will collect stories of forgiveness from people in the Greater Olympia Community who have found a way to let go of their emotional pain and find peace.

We will see how people are discovering the gift, art and science of forgiveness both around the world and in our own backyard.

We offer retreats, workshops or individual consultations around the topics that touch forgiveness. We speak in schools, churches, 12 step gatherings, and offer testimony to our legislators on the needs and benefits of forgiveness.

We will pay special attention to veterans, alcoholics/addicts, Native Americans, the homeless and victims of domestic violence...but we will share and experience the hopes and practices of experiences of all.

Given the turbulance of our times, we believe that individuals, groups and nations are in need of practices of forgiveness and we hope to uncover and share them for the benefit of all.

May you know the peace and blessings of forgiveness today.

Dr. David James

The Olympia Forgiveness Project

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Pathways of Grace" A Retreat with Dr. David James

Pathways of Grace

From Addiction into Freedom through Forgiveness

Saturday November 12th
9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

The Spirituality Center at St. Placid's Priory
500 College St. NE
Lacey, WA 98516

Studies have shown a link between trauma and addiction.  What we are just learning about is a link between forgiveness and freedom from the addictive process. 

In this daylong retreat we will examine our own life patterns of addiction, discover the wounded heart that lies behind them and learn experiential practices of forgiveness which can help us find freedom.

There will be times for quiet reflection and opportunities for group and individual sharing.

Register by prior Friday $20  Bring a sack lunch, a journal and a brave heart.

Dr. David James is an author, therapist, spiritual companion and animator of the Olympia Forgiveness Project. A former Episcopal priest, he served congregations in California and Washington. As a leader in the men's movement he has led retreats in the United States and Canada. He is the author two books and several articles in the field of spirituality and personal growth.

To register call 360-438-2595 or email "The Priory Spirituality Center" spiritualityctr@gmail.com

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